Data Import Instructions

Grab a coffee or tea (or beverage of your choice), and let's begin formatting and organizing your data to start using MyNavlo!

1. Intro Video

It's a quick video explaining the whole process so you have an overview of how everything is going to work and it helps make everything go as smooth and as fast as possible

*We really strongy reccomend watching the whole video so you don't miss any key details.
Full PDF

2. Step-By-Step Guide

Basically what we are trying to do is gather your historical data for MyNavlo. You can decide how far back you want to go, but we'll need everything for the 2025 season and after. You're welcome to include earlier years too if you'd like

The data you need are going to be seperated in 6 Excel Files, each one named respectively: Boats, Customers, Bookings, Agencies, Boat Owners and Extras.

1) Open up any Excel Files, Google Sheets or find papers/folders you have that include the data we need.

2.1) Download the Excel Templates:
Boat Owners Excel Template
Boats (Fleet) Excel Template
Customers Excel Template
Agencies Excel Template
Extras Excel Template
Bookings Excel Template

(Basically files with the structure we want the data to have, already made for your convenience)

2.2) Each excel file from the "Excel Templates" has one example row with the exact formating every cell needs to have. If you have any questions go to the Intro Video and skip to TIME.  
-Keep in mind: If a booking doesn't have an associated: Charter Agency, Boat Owner then all cells that are for charter agencies or boat owners are left empty.

3.1) Copy paste your data into the "Excel Templates" and format the data
exactly the same.
         - That the dates follow this format exactly:
         - Percentages are written in decimal format with a dot as the seperator
(ex. 45% -> 0.45)
         - If all your Boats are self owned, then leave any Boat Owner field empty and don't import a Boat Owners excel file

3.3) There are some information cells like: Boat Type, Booking Type, Booking Status, Home & Registry Ports,  Billng Type, Home Port, Registry Port that have a corresponding ID. You can find the IDs below  
ID for Excel Name
1 Sailing Yacht
2 Motor Yacht
3 Catamaran
4 Motor Sailer
Name ID for Excel
Active active
Cancelled cancelled
Completed completed
Expired expired
Name ID for Excel
Booking booking
OwnerUse ownerUse
Option option
Service service
ID for Excel Name
1 Per Item
2 Per Day
3 Per Week
4 Per Month
5 Once

Because we have companies that use MyNavlo all over Europe, we have practically every Marina & Port in Europe (We have a list of 18.000+ marinas & ports). Because of how many they are, we have the list in a seperate pdf: Download PDF

We have the country code list in a seperate pdf: Download PDF

3. Import Data

Now that we have the 6 Excel files ready we can import the data in MyNavlo:

Excel file import order:
1) Boat Owners (If you don't have any, skip this step)
2) Boats
3) Customers
4) Agencies
5) Extras
6) Bookings

If you want to see this process in detail, watch the Intro Video and skip to TIME

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